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The White Dove
Rosie Thomas
Lakota Surrender
Karen Kay
A Rogue in Texas (Rogues in Texas, #1) - Lorraine Heath 3.5 stars. This is the first in a trilogy based on three rakish young Englishman who are sent west by their wealthy fathers to carve their own fortune (and hopefully grow up in the process). The lads are somewhat surprised when they are dropped off for their first "job", that being helping pick the cotton. With the men away at war, the women have been in charge and each picks herself a new "hand" and Grayson Rhodes is picked by widow Abbie Westland. Grayson is a rogue and a bastard, but he's got a heart of mush, especially when it comes to Abbie and her three children. That's the basic set-up, and the fun is watching the relationship grow, although there is a not-too-surprising return from the past that mucks things up for our pair (seriously, you can see that coming a mile away). I really liked this a lot, and probably would have rated it higher, but I found it a slight let down from a couple of other Heath novels I've read very recently. I do plan on finishing this series, as well as reading more from Ms. Heath. Kindle copy obtained via library loan.